
Kirlian Photography page 1

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Kirlian Book List and list of other web sources (this page)

aka High voltage electrical photography.

I have a device for shooting finger tips and have been doing lectures and photo sessions
for over 18 years around the Western US and Canada.


Taken durring a lecture at Everett CC
the photo proves I've been doing this a long time (my hair was brown!).


Metallic objects.  Sometimes it's fun just for art sake.

Click on the image below to view all 12 images in the series.

Above is a young woman's finger tip
while thinking about a very positive experience.
Everything beyond the white ring is outside the finger contact area.
I believe we are seeing gold balls moving along energy meridian lines.
Click on the picture above for all 12 shots in that series.

(finger tip) Before and After an Acupuncture treatment.
Click on the picture above to view various before/after images.

I am sliding my finger along the film for the 2 second exposure.
Note the blotching rather than smearing, possibily indicating a flickering of these colors.

The ends of a horseshoe magnet (not unlike a typical finger).

This leaf was picked and photographed (left image)
20 minutes later another picture was taken while
sending positive thoughts toward the leaf (right image).
Usually the energy intensity dies down over this period of time if left unattended.

This is the tip of a corkscrew shaped healing pendulum.

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Book list and Web Sources

Many of these books and papers are out of print, however...
I have had good luck with used book searches through used book stores, libraries and the web.

The Secret Life Of Plants
Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird, ISBN 0-06-091587-0
Remarkable information about plants as lie detectors, their response to music, their curative powers, and their ability to communicate with man.  The late Marcel Vogel (pictured below) had much to do with the experiments.  I had the pleasure to bring him to Seattle for a couple day long workshops (Seattle and Everett Washington).


                        I get a bear hug from the bear himself.        Marcel teaches a young girl how to use the crystal he gave her.

Rainbows of Light
Mikol Davis & Earl Lane, New York, Harper and Row, 1978

The Body Electric
Thelma Moss PH.D. New York, 1979

The Probably of the Impossible
Thelma Moss PH.D. LA, JP Tarcher, 1974

Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain
Ostrander & Schroeder, New York, Bantam, 1971

New Soviet Psychic Discoveries
Gris & Dick, 1978

High Voltage Photography
H.S. Dakin, San Francisco, 1974 or 1975

The Kirlian Aura
Stanley Krippner & Daniel Rubin, New York, Doubleday, 1974

Earl Lane, San Francisco, 1975

Blueprint of Immortality
H.S. Burr, Neville Spearman, 1972

Bioluminescence, Kirlian Photography & Medical Diagnostics
R.A. Miller, Seattle, Miller, 1974

Energies of Consciousness
S. Krippner & D. Rubin, New York, Gordon & Breach Science Publications Inc. 1975

W.G. Allen, Mokelumne Hill, California, Health Research, 1966

Kirlian Photography at Home
C.E.L.C. Research, 1981

Photography & Visual Observations By Means of High Frequency Currents
S.D. & V.K. Kirlian, Journal of Science & Applied Photography, Vol.6, 1961

In the World of Miraculous Discharges
S.D. & V.K. Kirlian, Moscow: Znaniye, Publishing House, 1964

The Kirlian Effect and Medical Science
The Medical Science Gazette, Official Organ of the Ministry for Health Preservation of the USSR, Ministry of Medical Technology & Central Committee of the Organizations of Medical Specialists, No.64 (3575), 1976 (translated)

Biological Plasma of Human Organism with Animals
V.M. Inyushin, Prague: Suoboda, 1970 (privately translated)

Image Modulation in Corona Discharge Photography
Pehek, Kyler & Faust, Science, Vol.194, No. 4262, October 15, 1976

Prat, Schlemmer, Journal of the Biological Photography Association, Vol.7 1939

The Biological Essence of the Kirlian Effect
V.M. Inyushin, Alma-Ata, Kazakh, USSR: Kazakh State University, 1968


Kirlian Photography sources on the World Wide Web

(using Kirlian designed high voltage photography)

We have corresponded via email on electrode design ideas.

An interesting site, check out the camera for capturing motion.

A well done site.

In October of 1987 an article titled "Diagnóstico Oncológico Kirliangráfico", was published by the "Revista do Hospital das Forças Armadas
(ed. written by two doctors who were able to diagnose cancer by way of the Kirlian Photos)

(ed. starts his web page off with an explanation of the aura simulation vs real Kirlian and links to a Aura Simulation page describing the true process (see next item below).


Sources below are "Simulated Aura" camera's (also known as "Aura Art" )

Note: this technique often uses galvanic skin response to manipulate the colors overlaid on a Polaroid snapshot of the subjects head and should not be mistaken for authentic Kirlian Photography.  It's merely an artistic representation of what the aura might look like.  It's odd how many people have believed this method is Kirlian Photography or some other legitimate aura imaging process.
What did P.T. Barnum say?...

We at AURAGRAPH also produce Aura Sim Cameras...
1.These are not to be confused with Kirlian Cameras. These cameras produce simulation photographs based on the subjects Galvanic Skin Response. See our book "Understanding your Aura" for more information. Auragraph produces the SERIES 4 CAMERA Which is an automatic camera, of fully integrated design and produces a 3 1/4" X4 1/4" print on full colour Poloroid film.
2.The camera comes complete with heavy duty tripod and is user friendly.
(ed. speaks to both Kirlian and Aura Simulation techniques)

THE AURA IMAGING SYSTEM  This is a complete computer system which produces a photograph related to the aura.  To use this system a person sits and places their hand on a sensitive plate which detects electrical activity from the fingers and palm and translates this into a computer generated color photo.
(ed. at least they said “related to the aura" on their web page).

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