
Nikola Tesla
Images and Resources

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Tesla page 2
Tesla Information Sources (on this page)
My Lightning Pictures

Teslais an excellent study in the power of creativity and visualization.
Many say he single handedly created the 20th century with his 700+electrical patents, 1500 inventions
and his discovery of Alternating Current, radio and remote control, the computer "AND" Logic Gate,
the bladeless turbine and his micro-pump (with no moving parts).
His discoveries of over a century ago are still bearing fruit to this day.


The little AC motor that started the "electrical war" (left) and his bladeless turbine (right).

With his unique understanding of resonance he pioneered the fields of High Frequency Currents, Electrical Machines, Remote Control, Radio Diffusion and Measurements, Electromechanical and Mechanical Oscillators, Electric Illumination and Electric Heating and even applications in the field of Medicine.  His inventions are too numerous to list here and I only scratch the surface of this man's amazing life in hopes you will seek out further reading about him.  Check my Links Page for places to explore on other web sites.

JP Morgan                  Westinghouse

What would it be like today had Tesla been a better businessman and/or his funding from JP Morgan not cut off?  Edison refused to pay Tesla a promised $50,000 to solve a problem Edison couldn't. Westinghouse couldn't afford to uphold their contract for royalties on Tesla's motor designs (already totaling $12,000,000 within the first 4 years of production).  Tesla let all that go because he had much larger plans instore for mankind.  Sadly he trusted his supporters to see these same potentials.

Another Tesla lab, machine shop and glass blowing facility.

Tesla, sciences "starving artist"

JP Morgan(the financier for Tesla as well as Edison) got cold feet and withdrew funding in 1906 when Tesla's plans forGlobal Wireless Energy were made known.  It seems that Morgan didn't want to get stuck selling only the antennas when he could instead control/sell all electrical generation, it's distribution and related cash flows. In this example lies one cause of our worlds problems, greed.

Because Tesla had the ability to fully visualize, test and analyze concepts
and designs within his head (in a 3D/graphical way) few notes of high detail
were recorded, however upon Tesla's death, agents for the US Government
confiscated 2 trucks full of documents from various locations, only a
small amount of these materials were ever returned, due to the
secrecy status given to them, and still in effect to this day.

Read the (now unclassified) FBI memos regarding this below

FBI Memo 01
FBI Memo 02
FBI Memo 03
FBI Memo 04
FBI Memo 05
FBI Memo 06

Tesla's hotel room, where "agents" seized his secrets just after his death.

* * *

In a related story

Seattle Post Intellegencer (10/9/89), The short story is.... a man invented a new type of hydra phone which was so good it could convert sound impulses into audio and video signals.  He basically went broke attempting to bring his new device into the world only to have the US Navy slap a classified order on it (on the grounds of national security).  He was given nothing for it (as is typical) and was ordered  "NOT TO PUBLISH OR DISCLOSE the subject matter for such a period as the national interest requires"  In other words, thanks for the cool idea, now go away.

In the same article were some interesting  facts about secrecy orders:

• The US Patent and Trademark Office imposes 400 to 500 secrecy orders per year
  (at the request of the Pentagon or Department of Energy).

• The law does not require the officials to explain or justify why such an order is placed.

• In the fiscal year of 1987 there were just under 5000 secrecy orders currently in effect.

Tesla's research and associated inventions touched on capabilities
far more reaching than just a better hydraphone.

We can only wonder what marvels are now locked away
or are being used to control rather then to liberate this planet.


One heck of a big noisy modern day Tesla Coil (see the guy in the wire cage?)

My personal Tesla anecdote is.. long ago (1982) the Tesla Memorial Society of Canada gave me permission to show the movie "The Secret of Nikola Tesla", a drama on Tesla's life, in exchange for anything I could do to help them get a grant for Kirlian Photography.  Now that this video is (a bit more) available I no longer need to show it (I could probably act out every part for you... but don't ask).  This film was a joint Hollywood/Yugoslavian effort (Zagreb Films, 1980) with such great US actors as Orsen Wells (J.P. Morgan), Struther Martin (Westinghouse) and Dennis Patrick (Edison), and starring (perfect look alike) Petar Bozovic as Tesla.

Though completed 20+ years ago the movie was never released for distribution in the U.S. probably due to the unfriendly way in which Edison (the greatest inventor of all time, or so we are taught in school) is portrayed with his attempts to stop Tesla's AC current system from over-taking Edison's own DC system. Edison's city by city road show was hi-lighted with public electrocutions of stray animals (up to the size of horses) with alternating current, but Edison failed to inform the onlookers that his own DC system could kill as well.

In 1982 I made a beginners feeble attempt to get it shown/broadcast in the US.  I even met "producers" (whoohoo) in Hollywood who delt with this type of product as well as a few folks producing current projects on Tesla ...but to no avail.

I wish this video were shown on TV, who knows maybe someday it will,  heaven knows we have enough channels.  Heck, when we all get the bandwidth I may show it here!!

* * *

News from the
Tesla Memorial Scociety's web page:

A&E Biography15th Anniversary Special"The 15 Most Important Inventors and Inventions of the Twentieth Century" will feature Tesla (to air fall of 2002).

New Tesla Movie:  Tesla and Katherine
Famous motion picture director, Ken Russell, has announced filming to begin this summer on a dramatic biography tentatively titled Tesla and Katherine. Russell, whose cinema credits include The Rainbow, Gothic, Crimes of Passion, The Boyfriend and French Dressing among others, is often controversial in his film treatments. As mentioned in a March 24th article in the London Sunday Telegraph, Russell plans to savage Edison for his ruthless tactics in opposing Tesla's Alternating Current system in the famous "War of the Currents." The Society has provided certain background material to the film's Producer. Cast has yet to be announced.

Fox Television Tesla Program
A one-hour segment of the popular Fox series In Search Of… will describe some elements of the work of Nikola Tesla. Planning by the U.S. government to build the "Star Wars" National Missile Defense shield has revived interest in Tesla's much earlier research and predictions on that technology, which was popularized by the press as "Tesla's Death-Beam" or "Death Ray." A Fox location crew visited Society Executive Secretary, William Terbo (Tesla grand nephew), in March 2001, to tape an on-camera interview for the program. Airdate for the program has not been confirmed, but will probably be in the Fall 2002 schedule.

PBS Television Special Tesla: Master Of Lightning
The 90-minute multimedia biography TESLA: MASTER OF LIGHTNING was first broadcast by PBS in December 2000.  This is the first comprehensive and accurate picture of Tesla's life and accomplishments to be presented to the national audience. The project is the result of years of research during which many new and unknown details of Tesla's life have been uncovered.  The documentary contains a large and extremely rare collection of photographs of his life and work, including recreations of some of his inventions. The voice of Tesla is performed by veteran stage and screen actor, Stacy Keach, himself a great admirer of Tesla's work and personality.

Sales of home video cassettes and companion book of the program are available through the PBS website: www.pbs.org

You are to be commended for reading this far!
page 2  gets better....

Nikola Tesla Links and Information Sources

The list below contains other web sources which sell or describe Tesla related materials.  Enjoy your research!
His story is amazing!

Thanks to John Wagner (see T-Shirt offer below) Yale University is recognizing Tesla and his accomplishments.  Read this Tesla article in the Yale Scientific Magazine (Vol. 71 Issue 4) and see the bust of Tesla on permanent display at Yale.

http://www.ntesla.org (new)
John Wagners Tesla page
(and great T-Shirt offer)
John has guided the ongoing effort to place bronze busts of Tesla in the nation's leading Universities.  The latest addition is at the University of Wisconsin, where it is placed in the Physics Museum next to busts of Newton and Einstein. Previous installations were at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Cal Tech and the University of Michigan. Funding for the busts, each valued at $6,000, was developed by years of letter campaigns and T-shirt sales conducted by students of Mr. Wagner's in Ann Arbor. (Publicity generated by the popular rock band Tesla was also a great assist.)

A site that sells the Tesla movie "The Secret Of Nikola Tesla"

Tesla Memorial Society  (new address)
William Terbo, Executive Secretary
21 Maddaket, Southwyck Village
Scotch Plains NJ 07076
(732) 396-8852

Tesla fan Gary Peterson's site.

Tesla Book Company
1580 Magnolia Ave.
Millbrae, CA 94030

Professional Sound Systems (see this guys back yard on my Tesla Page 2)
UHV Division
2527 Treelane Ave.
Monrovia, CA 91016
(213) 359-1373

The Journal of Boarderland Research
Boarderland Sciences
P.O. Box 429
Garberville, CA 95440-0429

Health Research
P.O. Box 70
Mokelumne Hill CA 95245

Natural Energy Works (correct address this time)
PO Box 1148
Ashland, Oregon 97520

High Energy Electrostatics Research
P.O. Box 5286
Springfield, VA 22150

Tesla Coil Builders Association
c/o Harry Goldman
RD 3 Box 181
Glen Falls N.Y.
(518) 792-1003

Energy Unlimited (non conventional energy technology)
c/o Walter Baumgartner
P.O. Box 35637 Sta. D
Albuquerque, N.M. 87176

Quest Bookshop
717 Broadway East
Seattle WA 98102
(206) 323-4281

Planetary Association for Clean Energy
100 Bronson Ave., Suite 1001
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G8
(613) 236-6265

Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained
P.O. Box 265
Little Silver, NJ 07739
(201) 842-5229

Kansas City Journal-Post
Sunday, Sept. 10, 1933

June 1976
Feb. 1981

Sept. 7, 1979

Vol. 2, No. 4 1987

U.S. Psychotronics Association, Inc.
3459 Montrose Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60618

American Ass. of Meta-Science, Inc.
P.O. Box 1182
Huntsville, AL 35807

P.O. Box 2252
Coeur D'Alene
Idaho  83814

raum & zeit
P.O. Box 5707
San Clemente, CA 92672
(714) 240-3775

Nikola Tesla page 2

My Lightning Pictures
